Originally Posted by watch4bear
Availability leads to use; use leads to addiction; addiction is long-term; and addiction becomes a publicly manifest problem.
Your brilliance continues to dazzle some of us here on the 'fire. Have you ever been or ever been around somebody in real pain? I mean something that Aspirin or Acetomenephin won't touch? There is a real need for pain relieving medications. There isn't as much need for regulation of them as we have now. Over and over and over thinking people have said just legalize the stuff. Let the hippies blow their minds. Quit penalizing people for defending themselves and their property and the tertiary problems will solve themselves. Quit allowing bleeding-heart liberals to control the tax laws and subsequently give away our hard-earned taxes to addicts who will never get better or who have hurt themselves with their addiction. Most of the problems today are caused by do-gooders who have access to other people's money and also people who have to stick their noses into every aspect of everybody's life.

I thought Alaska was a freedom-loving state. You've always struck me as somebody who belongs in Massachusetts or somewhere. Apologies to Kamo.