Originally Posted by boatanchor
Originally Posted by Magnumdood
I don't know Mr. Coleman or Mr. Dowling personally, but I do know them by reputation,

I guess this goes for Gordy Gritters too ???????
Funny how you like to ride other's reputation's instead of having experience of your own.


I know Gordy quite well, but, that's not the point. I'm not a gunsmith and I never claimed to be a gunsmith.

Nor do I earn my living shooting as does John Burns. Very few people actually earn a paycheck shooting. Go ahead, name a couple of dozen folks who earn their paycheck doing nothing but shooting. Hell, name a dozen if you can.

Finally, stfu, Tanner doesn't need you crapping on his thread. Start another thread about me if you wish. Man, you've probably licked a groove in the window on your seat in the short bus.