10 lbs a month is easily accomplished as long as you stay determined and disciplined.
I am a "crossfitter" however I would not reccommend this to someone who has not trained enough before hand, injuries are common and can easily ruin a hunting season.

Consider that if you are gaining strength at the same time you are losing weight, you are losing fat and gaining muscle. In other words, if you are losing 10 lbs of body weight/month, it is important to note that you are gaining lean muscle mass as well, so you may be losing 15 lbs of fat(F) and gaining 5 in lean mass(LM)
Keep your workouts simple but high intensity and low rest frequency. Focus on movements like:
Leg Press/Deadlifts
Bench Press
Pull downs or chin ups

these are the meat and potatoes of strength and fitness if you aren't in to olympic style lifting.
I would suggest no more than 3 days/week of weight training, with cardio training on seperate days.

set some small goals for yourself and reward yourself when you hit them.
You dont need to hire anyone, you have it in yourself to change. Good on you for taking the first step. As cheesy as it sounds, take some before pics now. Men are visual learners (why do you think we always want pics with the stories on here) seeing your progress will help spur you on.
Best of Luck