Originally Posted by Sitka deer
What makes you think this is the only venue one uses? Who gave you authority to control what others post? Just because you cannot answer the very basic questions about current populations... such as why they have been at least an order of magnitude higher in the past in the current MatSu cow hunt units... you are left with a very hollow argument.

I am not suggesting those higher numbers were within carrying capacity, but suggesting they are not now is laughable. Take a walk out on the Knik River flats and take a look at the browse and tell me it is over-utilized.

The condition of wildlife populations in AK is currently a frigging joke of the highest order. ADF&G and the BOG can add all the variables they care to and arrive at a number the pompous pricks on the BOG (and all past, for that matter) can swallow, but the biologists themselves are strongly divided, the management is a joke, morale is and has been in the toilet for ever, and they are doing a very [bleep] job in about every aspect.

With all due respect to your rant, I can attest to the fact that things changed after statehood. When looking back at management practices during territorial days and then the practices after statehood, it's no great wonder as to why wildlife populations are somewhat reduced from territorial years and the decade which followed. With what is now available to wildlife managers (state and federal) and wildlands managers (state and federal), we're never going to see wildlife numbers like we did in the 50's and 60's. It's just not possible. Again, if you have issues with how things are being done, you should do something about it instead of just whining about it in dubious fashion.