Originally Posted by Rman
Wasn't meaning to slam anyone! And I'm not 300 pounds (295)!
If its a job, and it needs doing, then it becomes production.
If its a hobby, and creates enjoyment and excercise, then great.
Either way, no one can tell me cutting wood using a powered saw, is the lazy mans way, as it is still damn hard work. Unless I'm doing it wrong. Can't run either saw from a couch.


Not meant a a slam to anyone either. Sorry. When I reread I saw where I could have written that a lot better.

I used a saw for about a half a gallon of gas last Sunday. Was I beat at the end of the day? You can bet your booties I was!

No slam meant to anyone.

The first time I shot myself in the head...

Meniere's Sucks Big Time!!!