Originally Posted by Eremicus
Did you catch the History Channel's Special on snipers and the reenactments of some their classic shots last night ?
In one, a guy tried to duplicate Carlos Hathcock's classic kill by putting a bullet down a scope and into the head of a target. He tried a couple of times, but the scopes stopped the bullets. They didn't even exit the occular lenses..... You guessed it, they were Leupold hunting scopes.
How's that for tough.... E

Did they say what bullet and round they were using?

Those old Russian sniper scopes may not have been that tough. I have an autographed copy of Carlos' book. I think it was a Russian sniper rifle, IIRC. Guess I could look it up.

If Carlos Hathcock said it happened, I don't see any reason to doubt his word. Seems some bozo is always wanting to pull someone down or call someone who's no longer around, a liar.