I thought RPMs per minute was a term for acceleration, like meters per second per second, only for rotation. No? grin

I cannot be convinced that there is more than one correct pronunciation for words. I consider a certain pronunciation is either proper or improper, period. Of course, dialect plays a role in the sound that comes out, but the correct spelling does not change, hence the phonics do not change. Call me a relic, but that is the way I was taught in school in the sixties and seventies. If I spelled or pronounced a word incorrectly, I was wrong. That's the problem. Nobody wants to admit that they or anyone else might actually be wrong. It might hurt their feelings. Good grief!

At the gun store today the salesman told me he had a LEE-ka rangefinder to use along with my LEE-uh-pold scope on my SAY-ko rifle. I just smiled. Didn't want to hurt his feelings. ("sigh!")

Our God reigns.
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