Originally Posted by Steve_NO
but this continuing self-delusion about who has won the nomination, and who lost every primary, badly, is just kind of pathetic.


This is YOUR argument, not mine. I know who has most Republican delegates. My argument is about the survival of our nation. You want me to believe Romney will deliver us. You have yet to sell me anything that I am willing to buy.

If anyone is delusional, it's you. You haven't a clue about how precarious our economy is. And like a tail wagging a dog, our economy wags our government. If our country is to survive, we will need a true leader who will do all that's necessary to right our badly listing ship. And the first place to start is cutting entitlement spending. We need real tax cuts. Which brings to mind a recent funny comment of Romney about his illusory tax cuts on the rich.

I will never play the class warfare game. If you have studied the French and Russian revolutions you know why.

The federal bureaucracy has got to be given a shave. We have too many federal workers enforcing too many laws that impede economic growth and enslave us.

We need but one czar: the cut-the-hell-outta-bureaucracy czar. I'd suspect he'd be working lots of O/T.

Steve_No, we are mired in the worst depression since the Great Depression. Do you really believe Romney is going to deliver us?