Originally Posted by Steve_NO
yes, the one Bork signed for me.

you loons can continue to have your pity party, but fewer and fewer people are willing to listen, while the grownups are having a real election. something your boy failed miserably at.

if fantasy games are your thing, play on.

I guess you missed the part about Bork not being in favor of the Second Amendment being an individual right.


Nor the part about there being no right to privacy in the Constitution. That gives me warm fuzzies all over considering what the SCOTUS has done recently IRT the Fourth Amendment in King v. Kentucky.

This has absolutely nothing to do with Ron Paul, and everything to do with two individuals running for President who have very little difference in how they have governed, or pontificated about public policy, until one of them, Romney, needed the "conservative" vote to gain the Republican nomination.

Loons? I think that you and every one who is fooling themselves that Romney is the second coming of Reagan are the loons.

If the American People allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks..., will deprive the People of all their Property,...Thomas Jefferson