the irony of all this is that this case will be the best case restricting the use of the commerce clause to justify regulation since Lopez.

That's kool aide of the redest tinge. The obvious of course is that twice this week you had "conservative" justices vote to:

A) trample sovergn borders, and state's rights into the history books. (Kennedy, and Roberts, yipeeeeeeee)

B) Allow socialized medicine to proceed.

Further, there will no benefit of restriction of the commerce clause, because Roberts' ruling was to allow through the use of taxation. You being the attorney, I'll trust you to fill in the legal term (I read it, but forget). No precedent was established disallowing the commerece clause, they are free to try it again, but there's no need, because Roberts so kindly pulled out of his asz verbage that wasn't even there.

It's over, and no there won't be a full repeal. Ha!, how many years has it been since Roe V Wade, and Lib's made hay with instilling fear of appeal of that for DECADES - dejavu brother.