Geez, Don, that is SOME scope you are packin', must make that little NULA a bit top heavy, eh?

Glad to see that you are still using MR packs on these jaunts, I have had great trips in past years with mine and have a 10-12 day Elk, Moose and both species of deer trip planned for Oct. 1 to about the 12th, as this is when my buddy can get the time off from one of his two jobs.

We will be hunting on a pair of traplines, much of which are not accessible to the public in the area where I was born and raised and these lines belong to one of my cousins. He is in northern BC hunting Stone's at present and will be hunting Moose, when my bud and I are on his traplines, but, he has taken several HAWG Elk there and I am "hopeful".

I hope you get a monster Dall's, a humungous Moose and an enormous Cariboo, that would be a trip of a liftime. My wife was an RN in the Yukon in the '70s and loves Whitehorse and wants to, I might hunt there in a year or two and take her along.....lotsa bux, but, it would be a wonderful experience for both of we elderly geezers/geezettes.

So, just give 'er max and have a fantastic trip, then post lots of pix and details.