An elderly gentleman that was a friend of my family asked me to stop by his house when he learned that I was going to gunsmithing school several years ago. He had some gunsmithnig books he wanted to give me. While in his study getting the books, I noticed a Winchester M/64 in a gun rack on the wall. That had been the old gents deer rifle for many years. I told him how much I appreciated Winchester rifles especially M/64's, I inquired if he would be interested in selling the rifle. He indicated he would but had no idea how much to ask and would have to get it appraised. The evening ended and I reminded him that I would be interested in purchasing his rifle once he established an asking price. Several months went by and one evening he called my family, I had returned to school in Colorado. He told my Dad that he would take $50.00 for his M/64. Dad called me in Colo to ask if he should purchase the gun for me. I told him to drop whatever he was doing and go get the gun. It remains to this day one of the Winchesters I am most attached to, mostly because of the circumstances surrounding its purchase.