Originally Posted by derby_dude
Originally Posted by Barak
Originally Posted by RickyD
Iran obviously has problems and is far from perfect. But given the tidal wave of propaganda in the news which is doing everything possible to �demonize the enemy� to justify war, we think it is valuable to provide some balance and perspective.
Islam is the problem

Kind of the way guns are the problem, too, huh?

The problem is people. The problem is always people. If the problem is a thing, then smart people will figure out a way around it.

So...if Muslims in Iran are your problem, and you believe they need to be killed (being apparently no different from a Muslim yourself, except in the sense that a Republican is different from a Democrat), then how are you going to kill all the Iranian Muslims without hurting all the Iranian Christians and Jews?

There you go again----with logic! smile

Except not.

Killing your problem isn't always the best way to fix your problem...

"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." - John Adams

Turdlike, by default.