I am writing this and posting this on a few forums.

I have left HD Rifles completely.

Basically the new owners are not paying payroll and I am forced to leave because I cannot survive.

There are other reasons as well such as the person they have in the office, Audie.
I will not continue to be blamed for his shortcomings and lying to everyone as well as lying to the management about many things period.

Clay is staying on to try to get everyone�s guns done. I have taught him well and he knows he can call me any time for advice and help, as he is my friend. I no longer own any part of HDR and am in no way shape or form a part of it.

Audie will cease to be at HDR after I leave as well. That decision has been made by the management and HDR will be much better off for it. As he has certainly lied his arse off to you all and to me and Clay, as well as the Managment

Lord knows we (Clay and I) have tried to make a go of it, but for me, it didn�t work.
I apologize to all affected by the mess created by myself and other at HDR. I hope the new management can pull her out, but they can have it as they will not even pay employees.

It saddens me deeply to have to write this but I must.

You all will not be seeing me any more on the forums, but I know I won�t be missed any ways LOL.

Take care

Jeff Hicks