How about a cowboy poem I wrote? Kinda explains what it's like.

This is from my Personal Writing, so accept it as a gift ... a very rare gift.

[bleep], I literally cry every time I read this.

If you've been there, you know. If you haven't been there, well maybe reading this slowly, like sippin' whiskey, will 'splain a little.

God Bless,


Night Riding

Have you ridden in the total darkness,
where the only things in your world are
a creaking saddle, a warm horse
and dark, dark shadows floating by?

Have you seen the sparks that shoot out
from a horse's sharpshoe
when it hits a rock in the trail at night?

Have you been filled with awe, as
a frozen night-moon turns the snow
into a billion sparkling diamonds?

Have you looked up a snow-covered slope
and seen a huge bull elk
outlined against the star-lit sky?


Then you�ve been night riding.

by Steve

"God Loves Each Of Us As If There Were Only One Of Us"
Saint Augustine of Hippo - AD 397