Thanks for the remembrance.

I know some of what you speak. In 1994, I shot a bull moose on December 6th. The weather that morning was -37C. A very light wind took the windchill to -43C. I managed to locate a 58" moose (net B&C 189 6/8). After the shot and the war hoops and the photos, I thought I had better get the hides off pronto or I would have to chisel them off. Darn near froze my hands getting the lower legs skinned. Spent about 35 minutes warming hands over the heater vent (fortunately I could drive the old Toyota right up beside the beast). I don' know which is worse, freezing the hands, or thawing them, both are very painful. Anyways, once into the heavier muscled areas, and during the gutting, never had to stop again. The heat off the animal kept the hands warm. Four hours, the critter is skinned, gutted, cut into 7 pieces a man can handle and in the back of the red Toyota.

Why do we hunt? It really is like brutal work at times!