Until about 3 years ago I used an old Pentax K1000 35mm. It's totally manual except the light meter. I spent a lot of money on film trying to get good shots but some of the good ones came out REALLY good. The digital is great because you can see instantly what you have at no cost. I usually shoot several of everything and dump all but the best one.
I cussed my digital C-750 for it's horrible autofocus and shutter lag. Those functions take forever. Action shots are almost impossible with the lag time in the electronic view finder. What I see in the evf is past tense. A shot of a running dog will give you a nice blank background because Fido is already around the house. There's no comparison with a SLR where everything you see is real time, the focus time is measured in microseconds, and the shutter clicks when you push the button, not 5 sec later.
Lag time is one of biggest complains you will read of an almost any digital review.


β€œIn a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
― George Orwell

It's not over when you lose. It's over when you quit.