Civil Disobedience too risky for you? Not for Gov. Scott
Thank God that we have some Governors with intestinal fortitude!

Check this out:

Speaking on the New College of Florida campus following a meeting of the state's university governing board, Scott said it will cost taxpayers and business owners too much to expand Medicaid and set up health insurance exchanges as called for under the law.
"No one has been able to show me that that health care exchange is going to do anything rather than raise taxes, raise the cost of our companies to do business," Scott said, adding that expanding Medicaid would also require tax increases.
Scott is one of many Republican governors who have resisted the state programs required by the law before Election Day, but he's the first to voice continued resistance after the election.
In Congress, Republican leaders have indicated that the election results, in which the Democrats retained control of the Senate and boosted their minority in the House, would curtail efforts of repealing the law.
"It's pretty clear that the president was re-elected," House Speaker John Boehner said in an interview with ABC News on Thursday. "Obamacare is the law of the land."

-------------------------------------------more at the link

Those who decry that a tax revolt is "illegal" and "too risky" should take note: We have some Governors that have the guts to deny the federal goons. Just think if there was a full blown federal tax revolt under way - just think how much more impactful our Governors could be.

And just to be secific, I am talking about not paying your quarterly tax if you are a small business or submitting 12 exemptions on a W-2 and then holding the money come April - yes, illegal but so is going 75 MPH on the highway but I see thousands of people do it every year - for convenience or whatever...

It's time to start thinking "YES WE CAN" - and quit with the "no we can't and defeatist talk.

I'm just as dissapointed in how this election went as any here, but we must get pro-active and make things happen. We can't just sit on the sidelines and watch and hope that things go so bad that we can then step in and clean up, or whatever the "plan" is....


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