280 Rem - I don't doubt you are attaining 7 Mag factory velocities with your 280 handloads. The matter of fact as I've conveyed is simple: Is it a good idea? I'm sure there are alot of people talking on cell phones and driving to. I'm equally sure many of those are convinced that they are not driving distracted as well.

I've seen this exact discussion occur for the 45-70, 25-06 and every AI chambering ever created. I'll convey the facts and let the chips fall where they may.

I've got my point across, it's in black and white. It matters not if you believe or accept it. My intent was not to incite a pissing match but provide the facts based on most of the variables involved. At this point, the information is contained in this thread and I do not wish to continue to debate the issue. I've loaded for both cartridges for 20+ years and know the boundaries of each. People reading this thread can decide for themselves what they want to do. Good luck to you.

-- BW

Last edited by bwinters; 01/13/06.

Adversity doesn't build character, it reveals it.