
I guess I will look at it this way...I may be on the edge or even over on actual measured pressure. I have no way to measure it. All I have is the common signs to look for. If there are no signs at all, then I assume Im ok. Afterall, pressure is one of those things that will eventually show a sign if it exists. If I am over the "book pressures" but showing no ill effects, this seems to me to be analagous to the proverbial tree falling in the woods making no sound if there is nobody to hear it. If Im over pressure, but not having ill effects or any notice of it at I really "over pressure"?

You know...the 45 long colt was designed to shoot in old west guns. Yet we have load data for the real 45 long colt, and those for modern guns such as the Ruger handguns. In modern firearms the 45LC is much more potent. Load data for most cartridges like the .280 are set at standards for the lowest common denomenator, like some guy that is reloading for a 40 year old Rem. semi auto is what they are set at. Modern bolt guns, and rolling blocks single shots such as the Win's, and Rem's, Ruger M77s and #1's, and Steyr's, etc, can tolerate more pressure safely. In my 15 years of reloading I have never had an incident related to excess pressure, yet EVERY gun and load I currently shoot exceeds some loading manual's max load by a grain or 2.

War Damn Eagle!