Thanks TJM. Some are merely, uh, um slow to commit.?. This 54 thread dragged me, resisting, from beneath my favorite rock. Drop your guard for an instant... I''ve been a regular shooter since age seven, like most, beginning with a .22 single shot. Probably even chose a law enforcement career because I thought it might involve free ammo. (Only very partially correct.) While I spend more time and lucre heating up centerfire rifles and handguns, rimfire time is somehow more 'pure' shooting. A day afield with a 54Annie is always exciting, instructional, satisfying. Supremely accurate sporters, the 54s can claim the bragging shots - leaving me to assume full responsibility for the misses. They are nearly pure target lineage, with accommodations for the woods. The .22 WMR, using 'solids' is a magnificent performer on bushy-tailed tree rats and other edibles. Sadly, it has been driven from the product line by the .17s, alas. In the woods, its added range and impact over the long rifle is all one can ask (or use, really). In the hickories, if you can see that perfect shot, the 54 can make it - leaving me as the only uncertain element. No, this old Boy Scout has never outgrown a really good rimfire, and the 54 Anschutz may well be the best. Well, I AM prejudiced... Pax