ADD this check it out !!!..........
Wolf attacks trapper on snowmachine near Tok
Dec 17, 2012 Tok trapper Lance Grangaard was attacked by a wolf on Thursday while riding his snowmachine on a trapline east of the Taylor Highway. The wolf jumped on him and bit through his parka and underclothing, breaking the skin on his right arm with one of its teeth. Grangaard suffered a 3-to 4-inch scratch on his arm, which he and his father, Danny, cleaned the wound with whiskey and baby wipes. Grangaard will undergo a series of five rabies shots in the next two weeks to prevent any chance of catching rabies. >>>>>>>>>>>FAIRBANKS � A wolf attacked a Tok trapper on his snowmachine last week about 30 miles off the Taylor Highway, biting through the man�s parka and three layers of clothing to put a 3-inch gash on his arm.

Lance Grangaard, 30, said he was �putting along� on his Ski-Doo Tundra on Thursday afternoon, coming down a frozen creek, when he saw the wolf out of the corner of his eye.

�I turned in time to stick my arm up,� said Grangaard, who was trapping with his father, Danny, in a remote area off the Taylor Highway known as Ketchumstuk. �A single black wolf grabbed my arm and started jerking on me.�

Afraid the wolf was going to pull him off his machine and maul him, Grangaard went into attack mode himself.

�I knew he was going to jerk me off my machine, so I made a big jump and managed to get on its back,� he said. �I just tried to get on top of him; I didn�t want to be on the bottom when we landed.�

Man and the wolf were still tangled when they hit hard on overflow ice.

�When we slammed down on the ice he let out a yelp and bucked me off,� Grangaard said. �He ran off 15 or 20 feet and he turned around. I screamed at him and raised my arms and he took off.�

Read more: Fairbanks Daily News-Miner - Wolf attacks trapper on snowmachine near Tok

I work harder than a ugly stripper....