Thank you Steve,
I have always enjoyed your writing and your personal attitudes.
For me Grandpa Hank was truly special, and for a couple of very good reasons. My grandfather was also in WW1 and suffered until his death in 71 from being Mustard Gassed. And my "dad" married my mom when I was not quite 5 years old and raised me and my 3 older sisters just as if we were his kids, and in almost all ways we were. Our father passed away at 36 from a 5 year battle with cancer and this was in the early sixties. We were so lucky to have a man come into our lives, To Step Up, to take such good care of all of us.
He is also gone now, just over a year ago and I miss him dearly. I was able to be with him at the very end and let him know how I really felt about him, although it never was a secret I was glad to tell him again at the end.
Thanks again Steve, Merry Christmas to you and Karen and may God continue to Bless your lives.
Take Care, Les

Its not always easy to do the right thing, But it is always the right thing to do.