Lutefisk = boiled cardboard in my book or at least that is how I felt as a kid!!! Perhaps some tartar sauce or something else might have made it a little more palatable but my Grandfather (very Norwegian, raised in Abercrombie, N.D.) ate it the traditional way every year at Christmas and so did we (a taste or two just to say I was Scandanavian too!) Now the lefse was a whole different matter... we clamored to get at that when my Grandmother made it. Rolled up with a little butter or sugar and cinnamon, now that was good!!!!

Fortunately, my Sister and Uncle learned how to make lefse before my Grandmother passed away and we still get to enjoy it at the holidays... brings back wonderful memories! Sorry Grandpa, the lutefisk just makes for great stories now.

My Grandmother also used to make Norwegian cookies called "fuddimon" or something like that. They were deep fried and sprinkled with powdered sugar. Probably not very healthy, but they also tasted pretty good.

The latest one that I don't care for too much is Danish cabbage... red cabbage cooked with vinegar or something. My wife's lineage brings that one to the table every year... not quite as bad as lutefisk but I'll rank it #2!!! (I happen to love boiled cabbage with a little butter and pepper.

May the dear relatives RIP this Holiday Season! I am truly grateful for their sacrifices in life and being able to enjoy them and hear their stories. I wish they were still around if nothing else for the examples they set in the lives they lived. They would be disheartened at what is going on in our country today I suspect.

Merry Chistmas/Happy Holidays to all!!!