Originally Posted by the_shootist
I read the description on Wikepedia, and it sounds like you have to take something edible, soak it lye until it is toxic and caustic and then try your hardest to make it almost edible again, and if you succeed in making it edible, you have failed in making it lutefisk. It was a funny read.

Best washed down with Buckley's Mixture.

A few years ago I had a post office box in Sumas, WA and the husband of one of the women who worked there was of Norwegian descent. On the back of her car was a bumper sticker that read: LEGALIZE LUTEFISK.

I had a girlfriend of Swedish descent when I was in university. She said that her dad used to make lutefisk (or it might have been surstr�mming; about equally vile to those of us not of Scandihoovian descent.) As I recall, her mum wouldn't allow him to make it in the house; he had to get in the car and drive out to the cabin! I bet there is a barren, infertile patch somewhere around Williams Lake, B.C. to this day.

smile Stuart

Canada: Everything from Eh to Zed.