Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by heavywalker
Do people really think that the MSM doesn't lie?

I have witnessed poor reporting, misleading reporting, and flat out lies by the media on several occasions. Not to mention the fact that they continually only report what goes along with their agenda.

To think that, in a situation such as Sandy Hook, the media turns over a new leaf and decides that they are going to be honest in their reporting is beyond stupid.

Does that mean that it is a Government conspiracy? I don't think so, but if no one ever questions their lies there is not much point in them telling the truth. I'd say that at this point the populace is so trusting in the media that they could report what ever they wanted to regardless of facts, and the people who questioned them would be called crazy kooks, etc...

It is actually very scary that we have reached this point IMO.
And the MSM has long been the propaganda arm of the state.

Right again!