I hope that this finds you and your fine family having a wonderful Christmas Season. Thanks for the wonderful photos that you've shared too, I never tire of seeing the wonders of creation that our home province has to offer.

One aspect of moose hunting that Klikitarik and I have discussed several times in the past is that all moose aren't created equally in size.

The bulls that some of the Alaska/Yukon and northern BC crew show will be double the carcass weight of what we'd consider a good Okanagan bull moose.

As examples, the spike fork that I killed on the mountain just east of our house went pretty close to 380lbs into the cooler, which seems to be about middle of the road for immature bulls in these parts.

My friend who now resides in the Yukon used to hunt right on the northern BC border and has killed some dandy big bulls on both sides of that imaginary line as a resident in both places.

I can still recall the time he called me one evening to ask if I could help cut up "a couple of pieces of moose"...which ended up to be the hind legs. laugh

If memory serves we did up 8 or 9 "party sized" roasts from them and then ground two 5 gallon buckets of burger from the trim. They were indeed pretty fair sized hind legs. wink

Then too it occurs to me that for instance in your bottom photo, if that happens to be you, then that bull would appear to be a different size than if it was for instance me in the photo. laugh laugh

Anyway, I really just wanted to say a hello to you and wish you and your family the best of our Lord's blessings in 2013. Hopefully you and the family get down to our part of the world this year again and we can get some more shooting in again as we very much enjoyed our time with you and your daughter.


The most important stuff in life isn't "stuff"