I have a Beretta 390 that I just love. It has performed flawlessly until this year and I dont think I can blame the gun. I have about 12,000 rounds through it.

I have been trying to find a good lubricant and I bought some synthetic stuff that said it was good down to -70F. Since I rarely go out if it is colder than -69F, I figured that was good. In all serioiusness, I routinely hunt to 0F in Minnesota and once in a while will hunt to -10F. Coldest so far was -22F. The action slams shut super quick in the house and then while deer hunting this year at about 15F, I shot a doe in the lungs and she took off. The gun jammed. I managed to get 3 shots into her, but was flabbergasted that I had experienced a jam. After she was dead, I noticed that the action closed super s-l-o-w-l-y. Back in the house later, it slammed shut fast again. So much for the lubricant. I have sinced been used that one again with the same result while pheasant hunting around the same temps. I am thinking that I just need to change to a better cold weather lube. Can someone recommend one?

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