My family's experience with Fedora hasn't been the same as some. Dad has four Fedora's I have shot them all and really like them. Recently he had his original that was made for him back in '85 re finished, bow came back looking new, although it did take a while. The rest of them he has found used on Ebay. I haven't shot a BW but the Fedora handle really fits me well. I shoot a Jeffery TD which has a similar handle to the Fedora, my favorite bow.
Agree on the great loss of guys like Paul, Jay Massey and others who did a lot for bowhunting.
A bow is like a rifle or shotgun, some guys love the feel of a M70 but don't like Remmy, etc. If it naturally feels good, that is the first step to more accurate shooting, IMO and IME.

Isaiah 6:8