When I was a kid back in the Bitterroot, I killed a zillion gophers and one deer with a little Remington Rolling Block in .32 Rimfire. The ammo was difficult, but not imposssible, to find even then ... in the early 50s.

By the way, the .32 Long Rimfire (yes, there was a short) was loaded with "semi-smokeless" powder and it made a quite satisfying blue-gray cloud every time I whacked a gopher or a skunk. I was always careful to clean my barrel after firing ... to this day, I am still not sure if "semi-smokless" powder would rust a barrel. Better not to take chances.

Sometimes, me and Grandpa Hank had to drive all the way to Hamilton to replentish my .32 ammo supply. It was about $1.00 a box while Winchester Super-X .22s were about forty-five cents a box. And shells for Grandpa's .22 Special were about seventy-five cents a box, as I recall.

I believe that today's hunters would LOVE a rebirth of the .25 Stevens Rimfire and the .32 Rimfire. Can you imagine hunting gophers and prairie dogs with a cool little Favorite or Rolling Block so chambered???

Or what about a J-frame Smith & Wesson revolver in either .25 or .32? Very COOL.

Good luck with your ammo sale.



"God Loves Each Of Us As If There Were Only One Of Us"
Saint Augustine of Hippo - AD 397