I seriously doubt that ANY contemporary .338" bullet available to average shooters/handloaders will ...outperform... the 250 NP at a chronoed 2800 fps-mv.

Now, I will stress that I have no African experience, but, I have been "in on" about 200 kills of BC big game and I have driven these bullets completely through bull Elk and never have had one stay inside a deer.

The performance is SO consistently good, that it just can't really get any better and the lighter "monometals", etc. DO sometimes punch through and a lost and suffering animal is the result. So, each to his own, but, I see NO "better" bullet in .338" for BIG game as in 1800 lb. Moose, 850 lb. Elk, a very tough animal to drop and keep down and ANY Grizzly, as these are VERY dangerous critters that have and do kill even armed people here all too often.

Some guides I have spoken with are also fond of the 275-SAF, especially for packing meat, etc, out on hayburners, but, I honestly doubt that any REAL improvement exists. In fact, with the exception of the North Fork, which some here and elsewhere whose opinions I tend to trust have indicated IS a bit better on big stuff than the NPs, I seriously doubt that a moderately heavy for caliber NP driven at moderately high velocities in ANY realistic big game round CAN be bested; some [bleep] just works! smile