see it here often:

some cowboy with stars in his eyes moves to Nashville, meets some milf trailer park queen from Alabama while he's playing fill-in bass on weekends at the bluebird cafe, gets 5 acres , a double-wide jim walter home and a dodge dually. Thinks it's "cool" to get 3 worthless not even halter-broke hayburners and a couple of goats.

Then the bitch leaves cause of his drinkin gets out of hand after he loses his 8-5 managing job at Hardees for fondling the 17 y.o. fry girl without her grandpa's consent.

next thing you know,
there's the concerned neighbors on Fox17 news whining about how you can see all 147 ribs on each equine and the goats are eating their marigolds.

so the sheriff's dept has to take the animals because "Doo-Wayne" has moved back to Wyoming and didn't even bother to at least turn em out so they could feast on the green grass in the median of I-40.

It's a weekly event here on the evening news, they seem to always find some other bleeding heart that wants to adopt them.

I have been around horses since I was 3 years old, Mother had horses most of her full life and a mini-storage unit full of awards, hangers with ribbons, trophies.

Don't think I'd ever be persuaded to partake, just because I've owned some that I regarded more than some people. I wouldn't object to anyone else wanting to venture there, heck I've also had a few that I would've willingly sent to the Alpo cannery with an evil grin. Same I guess if you want to go to the animal shelter and fatten up some Great Pyrenees right? Meat's meat- I just don't dig dog, cat, horse. Just a social stigma.