We have a program like that in Washington called Running Start, In our program you basically take college level courses instead of your high school electives, while still taking the state mandated HS courses. The result is earning your HS diploma while you earn your basic college level class credits. In our program you get roughly the equivalent of a years worth of college credits for the two years you are in the program. It takes a lot of the load off of a first year college student, prepares them in ways that the HS education system cannot, and shaves a year off of their college career living away from home...

I have never seen anyone who enrolled in the program not come out ahead in the end. Well worth it IMO.

It sounds like he would get two full years of credits which will basically get him an AA? Sounds high, and I'd check into the amount of credits he really earns, but a solid path for a kid to go down.