Originally Posted by FOsteology

It's a two-year residential early college entrance program for High School Sophomores.

There are lots of smart kids that can do the work but some have trouble with the boarding school aspect.

I assume this means giving up sports and many other extra-curriculars, and having a pretty different social experience than most of us had in HS. If he really understands that, and is willing to make the choice, then great.

People with this level of intellect are on a different plane than the rest of us. They'll work a math problem for hours that most wouldn't recognize as a math problem. They'll write computer code at the expense of sleep or nourishment. These are the type that end up in secret government labs working on secret government chit that the tinfoil hats haven't even heard of yet.

If he has that kind of brain, he should see how far he can take it.

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