Originally Posted by gunner500
Originally Posted by JCMCUBIC
Originally Posted by gunner500
I leave a big pile of screws in the floor, have led a DISH dude and CH/A repair dude right over the top of them, they both kicked the pile of screws while following me.

I stopped dead in my tracks, turned around and ask, what you looking for bro?

I got no responses, just nervous twitches and a buncha perspiring while they were here doing repairs.


NICE....I wouldn't have nearly the appreciation of this if I had not gotten to meet Gunner in person!

LOL JCM, they were busted cold, if they had been watchin' where they were going instead of scopin' out my stuff, they would have seen that big pile o screws. laugh

It don't take much to trip 'em up, they then know yer on to 'em, and forget your place post haste. <G>


generally I find those guys not to be an issue, but what concerns me is who they are going to hang out with after work

"man, I was at a place today and this guy had a safe the size of a refridgerator! and it was just sitting there in his garage, you could back a truck up, get it and leave in 10 minutes!"

have you paid your dues, can you moan the blues, can you bend them guitar strings