Originally Posted by 17ACKLEYBEE
Originally Posted by Laguna

You're the definitive source of conservatism & liberalism are ya? You wouldn't know a conservative from individual liberty. Best of my recollection is you vehemently supported a liberal in the '12 presidential election. I remained steadfast in support of the only conservative in the '12 election: Ron Paul!

When you awaken, you'll rue the day you threw in with the Romnut Internet shills against Paul.

So you voted for obama through the Paulie route because you thought you could fool your friends. LOL
Paulie never had a chance of winning and you gave your ball less vote to oberry through paulie. You're pathetic.

So you voted for Obama through the Romnut route. Romnut was landslided by Obama. You're a mindless dupe-troll catfish who who lemminged off freedom's cliff with Obama shills Steve_No & PISJR playing the Grim Reaper's tune.

Those who are most stupid refuse to recognize how stupid they are. 17ACKLEYBEE, know where you fit in. You're so stupid that you have no clue when you're being propagandized by an Obama shill.