Originally Posted by Pugs
Originally Posted by Steve_NO
lots of aggressive small fish on Slough Creek....no other fishermen where we were, which surprised me, although there were lots lower down..

My favorite creek in the park. Love the sections above and below the upper parking lot.

that's where we were...worked upstream from the campground a half mile or so. we only had two hours to fish it because we got a late start out of Red Lodge, stopped a bunch to take pictures, and then hit a construction stop on the road for 45 minutes. the place is so pretty I would have kept fishing till dark if we hadn't needed to get back to Billings. I thought it was kind of weird that they make you kill everything but cutthroats, regardless of size.....we gave ours to campers so they didn't get wasted. The first bunch we ran into were from Louisiana....a hippie couple who live a few blocks from me and the girl's mama from Grand Isle. Small world.

Sitting in the Billings airport at 0500 typing this waiting on flight to Denver.

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