Originally Posted by shootem
Thread about stuck carburetor float prompted me on this. Have a 1986 Honda Big Red 3-wheeler with metal gast tank. Dragged it out of the garage a month or so back to see if it still runs. It does but needs a carburetor cleaning and the inside of the tank above the gas line is obviously rusty. Probably the thanks I get for using ethanol gas. So how does one go about cleaning the inside of a gas tank?? Pour in sand and shake it?? Hire a pixie to go in and hammer it off??

You're on track,....
I put coarse sand and a little fine crushed gravel in em', and stuff em' into the concrete mixer with an old blanket packed around to retain em'.


Better adhesion for that Kreme stuff, though I can't say I'm a fan of it, and remain clueles as to how it stands up to ethanol, Sea Foam and Stabil.



Member, Clan of the Border Rats
-- “Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it.”- Mark Twain