Originally Posted by Gus
seemingly you have managed to strike the tuning rod a resounding blow.

on the 50 acre hard scrapple farm I grew up on, there were an order to things. wake up, eat breakfast, slop the hogs, milk the cows, and get ready for the big yellow school bus coming down the dirt road. that fifty acres was the center of the world to a young dude and it made good sense. the rain on the cornfield even felt right.

through high school, things continued to make sense.

in Baptist college while getting lobbyied to sign an Affirmation Vietnam petition, I realized there's a bigger world out there. after college, working and paying my way through it, I realized there's a really big world. I learned that as a conscript in the army.

later, interest rates under ol Jimmah were going up faster than one could save to bring up the down payment. it was a futile game.

so, yes, things have seemingly gone a bit askew. I am thankful for the family, children and Grands. and my mtn feist Emmy Lou, aka *EL*

what this country has come is beyond me. I sign up for Medicare next month. then obamacare might or might not kick in in October. I don't even know what obamacare is.

I hope everyone votes in 2014 and 2016.

and thank you for your post. it really did resonate. and it made perfect sense.
Wow! You're actually capable of contributing rational thoughts. Why don't you do that all the time??