Originally Posted by StripBuckHunter
Originally Posted by shortside
My wife and I build it from the basement up in 2006. We have a raging fire that has traveled over 6 miles to get here, but we were evacuated with enough notice to get the important stuff, but that is about it. I left town for work jsut before the family was pushed out.

We designed, drew, planned and built it ourselves. It was a bit more than we needed, but our three kids love the lifestyle that it affords us, including hunting, trapping, fort building, etc. The kids are going to be tough to console if it goes. Any advice is welcome.

Lots of blood and sweat went into it, and it kills me to think it may go up in smoke tonight. We do live in a small valley off the highway, quiet, timbered ridges, nice valley floor.

Any prayers are welcome, not only for me, but the 50 other homes as well. My neighbors are good people, and are just as stressed out.

The heck of it is I am on the other side of Montana. The fire is in Lolo, MT (Lolo Complex) so you can take a look online. I live in Sleeman Gulch.




You and others built in a fire prone forest in the middle of a well-known world record drought resulting in record timber lack-of moisture content cuz you still want your semi-privacy and you think it won't happen to you. Example....the Colorado Springs-Black Forest folks.........with 500 homes lost.

The rest of us gotta live in a concrete jungle non-forested area if we wanna not take the chance.

You gambled knowingly........and ya lost. Nut up.

Quit yer whining now.

I'm nearly speechless. You are a thoughtless rude basturd and have just made my ignore list.

�Nothing is so permanent as a temporary government program." -- Milton Friedman