Originally Posted by Mustang22
" ... The Japanese on the other hand, still are in complete denial that they did anything wrong during the period leading up to and including WWII. High ranking members of the present government are still making statements denying their actions and are offended by other countries contradicting their denials. you would be surprised by what you would read in the history books in their schools. Every year, in August, they lament about being the victims of nuclear weapons, with NO mention as to what may have led to an attack like that. The fact that they started a war with us goes right by them. ...

You're correct. A great many of the Japanese in general, from what I'm told by some people I know who've worked there extensively, are still locked into the pre-WW II "bushido Warrior Spirit."

I posted earlier of a book all should read if they want to know about the Japanese previous to and during WW II. It has to with the fighting in the South Pacific, and also the attitudes in Japan of both the military and the populace.

Pick up a copy of "Flyboys," by James Bradley, Little, Brown and Co., � 2003.

I also say again, if you have a weak stomach, don't read this one.


"Always go straight forward, and if you meet the devil, cut him in two and go between the pieces." (William Sturgis, clipper ship captain, 1830s.)