I had a girlfriend in high school who mucked out stables for riding lessons. I helped her once and was invited to ride a horse. I had a nagging disposition that it was not natural for anyone to get onto the back of a wild animal so I declined. A couple years later, I dated a girl who had a scar across her chest she got when a horse threw her. My friends went elk hunting in Colorado and 5 minutes into the nice horse ride into camp, my friend Eddie's horse kicked my friend George in the leg (up on his horse) and 10 minutes into the trip, it bit my friend Dean. A half hour into the ride, Dean's horse took off at a bolt and threw him. He broke a couple ribs a half hour into a $5,000 trip of a lifetime. A couple years ago, my cousin in New York got tossed off her horse. Broke her back. The horse went back to the stables without her. They went looking and found her face down in the mud crying. Horses are not for me.

Now Cows! My friend just put electric fence around the fields I hunt and bought a half dozen cows. I unhook that gate and walk in and all of a sudden, I have eight cows following me wherever I go. I don't like how they drop what they are doing and come up to me. He said they're harmless. There's a bull in the pasture. He said "harmless." I may be over thinking things but any one of these guys could knock me down and tap dance on my forehead.

"I didn't get the sophisticated gene in this family. I started the sophisticated gene in this family." Willie Robertson