Originally Posted by White_Bear
Originally Posted by gunner500
Originally Posted by bigwhoop
How intense must your hatred be to deny the vets and the public access to a such a revered site? This is an unconscionable act!


If the powers that be decide to fire upon these or the WW-II vets the beginning of the AR-II and a great cleansing of the beltway will begin.

GO VETS!!!!!!!!!!


+1 and I unfortunately believe it's coming.

+1 also but maybe not unfortunate; it is time or we lose it all. Like someone else said, why do you think .gov bought all that ammo? Those arrogant communists are probably hoping something will start so they can use the police/military to slam dunk us. Boy will they be surprised.

" The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants" Thomas Jefferson.

Molon Labe