Well...... Ok..... I'll write a letter. I'll make a phone call. I sure don't want go out of my way by driving across the country to only have to come back home bc some bureaucrat strung some yellow tape and says I can't ride my 4-wheeler into the national forest...

Seriously? Some people need to wake up. People need to get off their asses. Learn history. We're way past niceties. The vets amongst us know better - those that have seen action that is.

Again, I ask, how's that been working for you? How's it working for the WWII vets that want to see an open air memorial that's in their honor in DC? You can't drive up the hill in SD now to glimpse Mt Rushmore from afar. Well..... ok.... don't knock over or go past a cone.... They might even put more cones up and then what would we do?

We fat lazy Americans won't get off our couches unless we get seriously bit in our asses. I'm not saying I have the answers or know what to do. I just know we can't keep being pussies. It's the definition of insanity.

How bad a bite is it going to need to be for me or any of us for that matter?

Interesting times...