smoke - i think he declined my offer because he figures it'll be unrecoverable. personally, i'd go out. he did the same thing last year with a big 12 pointer in about the same locale.

gadfly - all i know is he shoots factory stuff. personally, i've encouraged him to consider nosler partitions or another quality bullet.

Ak - he said it was "bleeding like a pig," and said there was lots of blood in the junipers where it went down and left a blood trail as it moved off. much different from last year's buck i shot with my 375 which sprayed blood on the exit side for 3 full paces all over the bushes and left a trail 2 feet wide of blood as it ran for 25 yards or so that looked like someone pouring water out of one of those gardeing watercans that has a sunflower head on it!

The way life should be.