Back when men like Norman Brockway, Jonathan Browning, John Selvridge, Meredith Wolfe, W. S. Blankenship, D. C. Addicks and others were building rifles one at time, by hand, a rifle was so unique it was named. Some times the name of the rifle ( Killdeer, Long Tom, Fool Killer, Castor Oil, and Sudden Death are some of the better known rifles from that era.) was applied to the barrel or other prominant place on the gun.
<br>I have often wondered if I am not attracted to a caliber because it has a "name" that rolls off of the tounge easier than a group of numbers?
<br>Rifles should have a name. Davey Crockett's rifle had a name. I did not miss an epsiode of that TV program when I was growing up. Could that be why my gun cabinet houses a Swift and a Triple Deuce insted of a .223 or a .22-250?
<br>Might that be why you like the Roberts "just because you like it"?

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
Edmund Burke 1795

"Give me liberty or give me death"
Patrick Henry 1775