Originally Posted by BrnBear
If you don't like crapping in a honey bucket, move to where there are no honey buckets.
We left Oklahoma after WWII because we couldn't make a decent living. We moved to Wash. State. We left our traditions and cultures behind.
Hint! Move.

And we wonder why half of Mexico is trying to get into the US??? Sounds familiar.

And 'we' move to New York, LA, Seattle, or Anchorage and then complain that the pork we get comes from pigs that never saw the light of day, and can't figure out why so much of our food is or has GMO cropping involved, grown on lands which are owned and managed by multi-national corporations whose sole interest is their bottom line.

Did you ever ask yourself why Alaska's two largest cities even exist, or developed to the size they presently are anyway? I hope your answer was government infrastructure, cause that's what the railroad was and is.

Do you suppose that the communities served by the Alaska Marine Highway would mind if they had to pay full fare, rather than receive a subsidy in order to make the convenience of transportation affordable?

None of this answers the question regarding whether this (ANILCA) NW refuge needs a road joining these two small communities. I would venture that Jewell's answer to the people made Carter smile. Perhaps there's a clue there.

Sometimes, the air you 'let in'matters less than the air you 'let out'.