Originally Posted by EthanEdwards
Originally Posted by MColeman
I was back in the insurance bidness and my secretary was not at work for some reason. I had to deal with unruly chirren, claims, estimates, people who wanted to pay their premiums but I could not pull their names up on the computer and so on. It's a wonder I didn't stroke out in my sleep. I pray I never have a dream like that again. I won't be worth digested hay for the rest of the day.
You've never had the one where the trigger won't pull? I mean, you do everything you can physically but it just won't pull. Not that YOU can't pull the trigger...it just won't be pulled. No way to do it. That is my dream. That is my nightmare.

Clean your firearm!! I think Dave Grossman wrote about that dream? Read the book "On Combat".

My dream was on an airplane and it plunges into the ocean and I see water coming through the cabin and am stuck in my seatbelt. I drown as I watch everyone else panic and drown? My eyes are open and I can still see what's going on but I'm dead? Weird? I have had worst though, that stuck out as the most recent?