When I was young I had some bad ones where I would shoot a deer or bear and then it would end up being a human. Back in those days killing someone could get you dead. Man that was scarey.

When I was a little kid and overdosed on asthma meds I could sit in bed at night and watch the parade of animals go by in front of me. There was a pink elephant walking on his back legs with a big drum he pounded on with a smile on his face and a dancing bear, etc.

The worst was once when i was two or three and we lived way out in the country and dad was gone on a job in the oilfield and in the middle of the night mom came to check on me and I saw a ghost bending over and standing beside and behind her looking at me as she bent over me. I asked her who that was standing behind her. Oh crap. Don't ever say that.

Last edited by eyeball; 02/06/14.

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time by the blood of patriots and tyrants.

If being stupid allows me to believe in Him, I'd wish to be a retard. Eisenhower and G Washington should be good company.