
I was wrong in how i handled the sling sale. It took me making a major mistake to figure out how wrong i was. I never thought that taking the money up front and then sending the product later was a bad idea. However, i did not anticipate some stuff that happened to us during the weeks right after the orders started coming in.

I learned a lot. I am also saying that Toad is being paid back. I have a money order going out to him Tuesday to cover all debt and square up with him.

Many of the things i told people that happened were totally unexpected, such as the death of my MIL. Some things were bad choices based on other people telling us things would happen that never did.

I got all the slings done and shipped except one, which i found in the car under the seat. I took it to the post office, but they were closed when i got there. It will go out on Tuesday.

I have made good on my end of the deal, and many people are reporting them in and made well. I hope we can leave it at that.

I am sorry i screwed up. I was not trying to screw anyone over, and i understand people not wanting to trust me for sales any more.

I will make some more slings, and then offer them for sale as already made products. If anyone wants custom stuff, i can do that still, but i will complete them before funds are to be sent.

Again, i am sorry i messed up.

30-06 till i die, the greatest round ever!

I carry a gun because a cop is too heavy!

CEO of a Turdlike People: Turds & Tats Division... (per Ingwe grin )